Peace and Rest are a quest which everyone wants. I believe even the worst sinners on earth would change if they knew they could have peace and rest that only GOD can give.
God promises rest in Mathews 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. 29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, you will find rest in your soul.”
What we can give is LOVE which is GOD’S #1 command to love one another. Not to be divided and in pain, but to be together as one in unity and peace in the Body of Christ, to take your place by his side as Son of a King.
Here at Bee Fresh Farms our guarantee is that all things we do is in love. What we steward (land, bees, pond etc) or grow and tend(herbs, garlic, flowers, animals)we do it to serve the Father for His Glory. Which means we go the extra mile, we do it the way our ancestors did. The way the Father intended. The BEE FRESH has significance. GOD says (Rev 2:7)” He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the Tree of Life.”
The key is to Listen. Not just one or two days a week or month, but to listen each and every day. GOD wants us to hear his voice to carry out his will, to live in Peace> I have found you can never think you know what GOD wants past today..So our Motto, BEE FRESH starts out every day , we will Bee Fresh with ears open and bring to our customers what GOD has for them every day. If your mind is open and ears alert, GOD will bless all who truly want his love.
Those who have not figured it out yet, come and see what we have here. You will be at rest with some of the Peace we offer.
Our true goal is to bring you Fresh products, with the blessing of the Father behind them. No lies, no additives just pure day to day products with a new way of thinking : Bee Fresh, not just in food but in GOD every day.